昨晚看完Paul Greengrass導演的《血腥的星期天》(Bloody Sunday)之後,到現在我的情緒都還蠻激動的,聽著片尾U2演唱《Sunday Bloody Sunday》的時候,我的淚水就禁不住一直滾落下來。
1982年,U2將他們對這個屠殺事件的感觸譜寫成一首《Sunday Bloody Sunday》,歌詞和曲調都非常沉痛激昂,只希望這個世界不要再有仇恨和戰爭。
以下收錄一段U2在都柏林演唱 《Sunday Bloody Sunday》的現場實況......
U2 《Sunday Bloody Sunday》 Live In Dublin 1987
《Sunday Bloody Sunday》英文歌詞與中文翻譯:
I can't believe the news today, (我不敢相信今天的新聞)
I can't close my eyes and make it go away. (我閉上眼睛也揮之不去)
How long, how long must we sing this song? (多久?這首歌我們還得唱多久?)
How long? Tonight we can be as one. (多久?今晚我們萬眾一心)
Broken bottles under children's feet, (破碎的酒瓶散落在孩童的腳邊)
Bodies strewn across a dead end street, (屍體橫臥在死巷中)
But I won't heed the battle call, (但我不想理會戰爭的號角)
It puts my back up, (它激起我的憤怒)
puts my back up against the wall. (讓我窒息地貼在牆上)
Sunday, bloody Sunday. (星期天,血腥的星期天)
Sunday, bloody Sunday. (星期天,血腥的星期天)
And the battle's just begun, (戰爭才剛開始)
There's many lost, (就已經死傷慘重)
but tell me who has won? (但請告訴我究竟是誰贏了)
The trenches dug within our hearts, (戰爭在我們心中挖下了深深的壕溝)
And mothers, children, brothers, sisters torn apart.
Sunday, bloody Sunday. (星期天,血腥的星期天)
Sunday, bloody Sunday. (星期天,血腥的星期天)
How long, how long must we sing this song? (多久?這首歌我們還得唱多久?)
How long, Tonight we can be as one. (多久?今晚我們萬眾一心)
Tonight, tonight. (今晚,今晚)
Sunday, bloody Sunday. (星期天,血腥的星期天)
Sunday, bloody Sunday. (星期天,血腥的星期天)
Wipe the tears from your eyes, (擦乾你的眼淚)
Wipe your tears away, (擦乾你的眼淚)
Wipe your bloodshot eyes. (擦乾你血紅的眼睛)
Sunday, bloody Sunday. (星期天,血腥的星期天)
Sunday, bloody Sunday. (星期天,血腥的星期天)
And it's true we are immune. (然而人們對於這一切是麻木免疫的)
When fact is fiction and T.V. is reality, (當事實就像虛構,而電視上播放的就像真實)
And today the millions cry, (而現在有好幾百萬人正在哭泣著)
We eat and drink while tomorrow they die. (我們吃喝玩樂,他們卻將面臨死亡)
The real battle just begun. (真正的戰爭已經開始了)
To claim the victory Jesus won, (那是一場以上帝為名的戰爭)
On a Sunday bloody Sunday, (星期天,血腥的星期天)
Sunday bloody Sunday. (星期天,血腥的星期天)
- Jul 01 Tue 2008 13:32
音樂天地:U2《Sunday Bloody Sunday》-- 沉痛激昂的反戰/反仇恨歌曲