已經前後有三個人問過《北西北》(North by Northwest) 片名的由來!每次有人問,我就要回答一次,真的有點煩!不如索性記錄下來,下次再有人問時,就過來這裡看就對了.......
《北西北》(North by Northwest) 片名的由來是,因為男主角從紐約搭火車到芝加哥後,再搭「西北航空」(Northwest) 往北飛 (North) 到南達科塔,所以是 「North by Northwest」。
其實,「North by Northwest」是出自莎士比亞的「哈姆雷特」第二幕第二景中的一句對白.....「I am but mad north-north-west: when the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw.」........
The title of the film is an anomaly and a clue to the absurd, confused plot in which no one is what he/she appears to be - there is no sharply delineated N by NW on a compass - it is an improbable direction. Apparently, it refers in part to the directionless, surrealistic search of the befuddled hero/common man around the country for a fictional character. [In Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet (Act II, Scene II), Hamlet is quoted as saying: "I am but mad north-north-west: when the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw."] The archetypal hero only finds a resolution to his disorientation and troubles by traveling from New York to Chicago by train and then flying north by Northwest (Airlines) to South Dakota and Mount Rushmore, a northwesterly trajectory. The allusion to traveling 'North' by Northwest (airlines) seems to be the most probable explanation for the film's title. [At various stages of the script, the original working titles were Breathless, In a Northwesterly Direction, and The Man on Lincoln's Nose.]
- Jun 01 Wed 2005 08:58
觀影隨筆:希區考克《北西北》(North by Northwest) 片名的由來